Friday 29 October 2010

Augmented reality

The advanced digital media that we see today around us is a lot different to the past digital media however it can be said that many of today's digital media have been influenced by the earlier media formats. technologies needed to get better and better in order to get the job done faster and more efficent for example submarines needed radars to track enemies and many other jobs.

below are links to videos on augmented reality. i found them to be very interesting as to where technology is heading, many years ago i would of believed that it would not be possible for it to go this far but it has, take a look at it yourself and see what you think about it. 

The video game industry is also moving in to augemented reality lets look at the wii console it allows gamers to move their body in any direction and the game on the screen follows that command. 

Below is a short video showing and talking about augmented reality in video games. 


Youtube (2010) Augmented reality. Available at: v=2jo_YYI2qF8 [accessed: 29 October. 2010]

Youtube (2007) Augmented reality by Hitlab. Available at:[accessed 29 October. 2010]

Youtube (2010) Augmented reality- gaming. Available at:[ accessed 29 October. 2010] 

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